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Elephanta Map

Elephants Island Map
Elephants Island Map

Elephants Island Map


he Elephanta Island Map (Gharapuri). Popular attractions are marked (Cave 1 to Cave 5) and the Cannon Hill. Ferry at the north of the island is the access point from Mumbai city. From the ferry point there is a walkway as well as a toy train to the village's entry point. Beyond this is the trek trail up the hill where the main caves (Cave 1 to Cave 5) are located.

Elephanta Island Map with the caves and other attractions

Elephanta Island Map with the caves and other attractions


Elephanta Island Map with the caves and other attractions

Everything about Elephanta!

Everything about Elephanta!
How to reach Elephanta Caves
Elephanta Museum
Access to Elephanta
Elephanta Caves
Elephanta in a Nutshell