The only panel in Elephanta where the lower portions were not destroyed
Gangadhara and Parvathi
A complex sequence of events led to bringing the heavenly river Ganga (Ganges) to Earth. The only trouble was, should Ganga fall on earth directly, the torrent would shatter earth.
Lord Shiva let Ganga fall on his head and wind through the matted locks, before making it flow gently to the earth.
This massive panel located on your immediate right of the Mahesh Murthy panel. This is one of the better survived sculptures of Elephanta panels, probably the only panel with the lower portions are intact.
Shiva and Parvati are portrayed standing in the classic tribhanga (triple flexed) posture. The Shiva image is about 5 meters tall
Parvathi and Shiva as Gangadhara at Elephanta
Shiva with his Consort Parvathi. This is the only panel in Elephanta Caves where the lower portions of the images are not damaged.